The Women's Alzheimer's Movement Prevention Center at Cleveland Clinic includes a comprehensive online assessment that will help us understand some of your risks for Alzheimer's disease. Your answers will help your doctors to understand your risks and make personalized recommendations for how you can reduce your risks. We ask you to commit time-a lot of time, about 90 minutes!-to complete this assessment up front, because it allows us to focus fully on your results and personalized recommendations when you meet with our clinic doctors. In other words, we hope that putting this time in now will help you to make the most of your time with us.

The following screens will take you through basic information about eligibility, and will then ask a lot of questions about your health, family, and personal history, as well as your current mood, stress, sleep, and diet. This online assessment will take you some time, up to one hour, to complete. You do NOT need to complete this entire assessment at one time.


After you complete each section of the assessment, that section will close and you will not be able to go back. However, the last survey will include space for you to note anything you would like ot add or change.


The assessment will not give you feedback about your answers. Results will be sent to our clinic staff for review in the next two weeks. After all of your assessment forms are complete and your information has been reviewed by our clinic staff, we will call you to schedule your first clinic visit.


At your first clinic visit, you will get a personalized summary of your online assessment results in paper form and these will also be described to you by your Women's Alzheimer's Prevention Center doctors. Your doctors will also give you personalized recommendations on how to change your life based on Alzheimer's disease prevention guidelines.


Remember, if you have an urgent need or an emergency-medical, psychological, or otherwise-this online assessment is not the place to share it. Please seek urgent care, emergency, or routine care treatment in your home area, or call 911.


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